Friday, August 21, 2009

Which Neopet Color Are You?

Are you cloud, rainbow, gray, or invisible paintbrush colored? Here's how you find out: answer the questions, then add up all the points you got. The guide at the bottom tells you how you did.
Question 1.
How would you like to spend a saturday?
A. Sleep in-3pnts
B. Go Do Something Outside- 4 pnts
C. Sit around and do pretty much nothing- 1 pnts

Question 2.
Its a really nice day outside! What will you do?
A. Decide that since there's a chance of thunderstorms, you probably won't want to go out. 1pnt
B. Stay inside anyways. 2pnts
C. Gaze up at the clouds, while lying down on the grass 3pnts
D. Run and jump around, or something like that. 4pnts

Question 3.
Ug, its raining.... Again.
A. You decide to pretend you were an inventor who invented something to stop rain, or something like that.3pnts
B. Sit there and do absolutely nothing. 1pnts
C. Read a book or something quiet like that. 2pnts
D. That's why you have your *insert indoor sports activity like jump rope here*! 4pnts

Question 4.
That saturday you spent doing nothing just happened to be the day your favorite music group was in town!
A. Oh well. 1pnt
B. I wouldn't want to go anyways. Too much people.. 2pnts
C. Well, maybe I can catch up with them! If only I knew how.. Well, if I had superpowers... *starts daydreaming* 3pnts
D. Drat! Next time, I'll figure out when they come here, and run all the way to the place where they are performing BEFORE everyone else does! 4pnts

Question 5.
Its 4:00 in the morning and you get a call from your friend, who tells you they got lost in the woods and needs you to pick them up. What do you do?
A. Go pick them up!! 4 pnts
B. Ugg, its 4:00 in the morning!!!!!! I'm gona pick them up when I wake up. 3pnts
C. What friend? 2 pnts
D. They're gona have to go call someone else. 1 pnt

Question 6.
If you were poor on neopets (less than 2000 np) and over 100 miles from the nearest games room, how would you feel?
A. Everything else is horrible, so it doesn't really matter. 1 pnt
B. What would I do???!?!?!!- 2 pnts
C. Go run to the arcade as fast as I can, of course! Its only 120 miles.- 4pnts
D. Dream up some get rich quick scheme- 3 pnts

6-10- Why so down? Why so depressed? You're pessimistic. Your glass is half empty- no wait, you have to consider the evaporation rate.. Its a bit more than half empty now. No wonder you are GREY!
10-14 points- Hm? Speak up! I can't hear you. Why are you so afraid to meet new people and try new things? You're a bit shy, I think. You're definitly... INVISIBLE!
14-18 points- You always have your head in the clouds! You daydream, sleep in.. No wonder you are CLOUD!
19-24 points You are very energetic! You can run around, and do stuff without tiring at all. That's why you are.. RAINBOW!