Thursday, August 20, 2009

Darigan Dodgeball Guide

Today's game is Darigan Dodgeball! To win big, you must beat the scores set by Triple A, Abigal, or Lulu. Triple A will be the hardest at 1700 points, Abigail is at 400, and LuLu is at 650. Here's a few tips and tricks.
1. Stay in the middle. Don't go out near the sides to avoid a spike unless you have to- another spike may come along and trap you in between it and the wall.

2. RELAX yourself. Dont shake your hand around nervously, and don't move your hand too fast or too slow.

3. Move in between the spikes. Instead of going around a spike, try going in between two spikes (unless they are moving towards each other, and closing in). This will make it so you don't have to dodge as many spikes, because you are dodging two at once.

These tips can help you be close if not get you a high score. Darigan Dodgeball